Arthritis Care

Around 10 million in the UK have arthritis (NHS choices). Living with this condition can be a debilitating and painful experience.

For some people it means everyday tasks can become very difficult to manage and assisted living may be considered.

North Liverpool Healthcare can provide the practical care and support that you need to stay in control of your life and to keep doing the things that you enjoy every day, without moving out of your home.

We can provide support with:

1)A morning call to get you up and ready for your day
2)Keeping on top of housework such as cleaning and laundry
3)Helping you get to the shops or doing your shopping for you if you prefer.
4)Making sure you have the medicines you need to reduce pain or swelling and helping you take them regularly.
5)Taking part in activities you enjoy.
6)Gentle exercise to keep you mobile.
7)Helping to prepare meals or assistance with feeding.