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We generate invoices every four weeks. Each care visit during the invoicing period will be itemised in the invoice. We can post or email this to you or your representative, depending on your preference. Invoices are payable within seven (7) days.

We currently accept payments by cheque or bank transfer.

Funding long-term care – https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/social-care-and-support-guide/money-work-and-benefits/paying-for-your-own-care-self-funding/

Private visiting care starts from £19.30 per hour per carer, with flexible costings for 30 or 45-minute visits. There is an additional travel fee of £3.50 per carer per visit.

Live-in care is charged on a weekly basis, which starts at £1,075 per week for one person. Temporary respite care starts at £250 per day, which is ideal for care on a short-term basis from three days up to four weeks.

North Liverpool Healthcare employ all of our own carers, also known as private carers. This means that we recruit, assess and train our carers, as well as managing their pay, holidays, absence and pension. With a care agency, you are expected to employ the carer yourself after the agency have introduced you and manage everything surrounding their employment. This is the main difference between a private, fully managed carer and a carer from an introductory care agency or service.

Carer’s Allowance is currently £67.25 per week. You may be eligible for Carer’s Allowance if you care for a loved one for at least 35 hours per week. If more than one person cares for the same person, only one of you can claim. You can receive the Allowance if you care for more than one person i.e. a couple, but not any extra.


Yes – a family member can be your carer and be paid via Carer’s Allowance of £67.25 per week. They will also receive National Insurance credits and reductions on other financial support such as Council Tax reduction, Universal Credit, Pension Credits and grants & bursaries.

We have a thorough selection and assessment process whereby new recruits receive both theoretical and practical training to equip them in their role as a carer, as well as time shadowing an existing carer on their care calls. In addition to their initial assessments, we also hold regular refresher sessions and advanced training for those who have an interest in a specific area of care and would like to develop their knowledge and skills further.

Yes – this can be done in one of two ways. The first is arranging care via an introductory agency who will recommend carers to you. It is then your responsibility to pay your carer, arrange holiday and sick pay, find replacements if they’re unable to care for you and manage the entire process.

The second way you can arrange your own care is with a fully managed and regulated care company like North Liverpool Healthcare. We employ our carers directly, taking all of the stress and hassle out of arranging pay, working agreements or finding a replacement carer if yours need to take sick leave.

Promoting independent living that suits you

The flexibility of our home care services enable you to live safely and comfortably in the place you know best – your home.